Dungeons and Dragons DLC | Dead by Daylight
Survivor Items:
Eye of Vecna (all VFX)
non-merged aura
merge vfx
eye trail vfx active
eye trail vfx inactive
Invisibility shader swap (Dithered Aura Shader)
Teleport Smoke
Hand of Vecna (All VFX)
idle vfx
merging vfx
merged vfx (gold aura trails)
Teleport Smoke
Locker Fireflies on Teleport
Bracers/Boots (4 Variants)
all idle VFX
activation VFX (Niagara UserParams via BP)
white variant VFX
Colourblind variants/implementation for these VFX as well (Deuteranopia, Protanopia, Tritanopia)
Dice Rolls (all variants)
4 variants, Blue, Gold, Red, White
Dissolve + embers
Chest Smoke (in partnership with my colleague Justin Théroux)
4 Killer Ability Variants
White Variant for Killer POV
Idle Chest Fireflies (in partnership with my colleague Justin Théroux)
Entity Mark Cosmetic

Official Trailer

Contains: Eye of Vecna, Bracers/Boots, Chest, Dice, Locker Smoke

Niagara, Material Editor, Blueprint
All property belongs to Dead by Daylight via Behaviour Interactive